Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Weight Normal For Health And Fitness (Weight Meter)


This question can be answered only for the individual and even then only when the answers to several question are known. For example: How tall are you? Is your frame work small, medium, or large? How long is your trunk in relation to the length of your appendages? Has your weight pendulum tended to swing back and forth within rather narrow limits after attaining maturity? Or are you a great deal heavier—or lighter—than you were at twenty- five? For a person younger than twenty- five the question, ‘’How old are you?’’ would also have to be answered, because physical growth obviously is accompanied by increase in size. Terminal stature is reached in the average girl at about age sixteen and in the average boy at about age seventeen but there are many individual variations. To allow for these variations and also give the structural pattern of the body time to settle, so to speak, twenty- five is the age generally accepted as marking the arrival of full- blown physical maturity.

HEIGHT- WEIGHT- AGE TABLES— In old fashioned tables showing average weights for height of men and women cognizance is taken of the age factor. In constructing such tables the average, or mean, weight for height at various ages of very large numbers of individual is computed, and the average weight for a particular height and age is then set up as the standard of comparison for any individual of that height and age.
It would be rare indeed for the weight of a single individual to be exactly the same as that arrived at by averaging the weights of thousands of individuals. All that can be expected is that his weight will fall within the weight of a substantial fraction of the total number of persons of his age and height measured. Hence in using height- weight- age tables a person is considered to be overweight or underweight only if his weight is from 10 to 15 per cent above or below the mean reported for each height at different ages.
Tables for adults giving average weights for height and age show sizable increase with advancing years. Is this alright? Is it ‘’normal’’ for the little woman to put on thirteen or fourteen pounds between the ages of thirty and fifty or for the big woman to get heftier by fifteen pounds or more? Is it necessary or desirable for the middle- sized men to pick up twelve extra pounds between the ages of twenty- five and fifty?
The tables indicate that men and women of various heights do make such gains. But after the anatomical dimensions of our fellow mortals have been tabulated and averaged we have simply a collection of mathematical averages of weights for height at various ages. Because a person is within the weight range of the majority of those who were measured to arrive at the averages does not mean that he is ‘’normal’’ or that his weight is optimum. He is only average. He represents what is, not necessarily what ought to be. But who is to say what ought to be?

IF there were such creatures as ‘’ideal’’ man, physically speaking, to whom we could approximate real men and women, we might get an exact idea of what is normal, or ideal, weight for health. Some of us may remember when the dimensions of the Venus DE Milo were held up as the ideal female measurements. But who knows whether the young woman who modeled for the sculptor of the Venus DE Milo was healthy and how long she lived?
Instead of asking, ‘’what is normal weight for health?’’ We may properly ask, ‘’ what do healthy people weigh?’’ If health also is an abstraction—that is, a conception practically impossible to define in concrete anatomical and physiological terms—we may select one easily determined factor associated with health—length of life.
Having escaped the hazard of infancy, childhood, youth, and early maturity represented by the infections which still are the most common causes of death by disease in these age periods and, barring accidents, the individual who has the best chance of coming closest to the limit of the human life span is the constitutionally toughest. Inborn constitutional strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes the health of the individual stands or falls by his constitution alone. In other words he may be a ‘’good egg’’ or ‘’a bad egg’’ so far his ability to resist the hazards and the usual wear or tear of life is concerned. However, inherited constitution has never been given a free hand, and perhaps never will, in determining health and length of life. We have ample evidence that environment, circumstance, and living habits can create marked ups and downs in individual resistance to disease and to the insults or injuries to various tissues which complicate the physiological process of aging..
Numerous medico-actuarial studies of hundreds of thousands of insured men and women show that body weight plays a leading part in creating such ups and downs. All in all, those who stay between the average weight ranges have the best longevity record, the frank over weights the worst. Also, it was found that, irrespective of age, but allowing for difference in body build, the most favourable weight for health and longevity for adult are those which come closest to the averages observed at ages twenty- five to thirty.
These findings make it possible to answer ‘’no’’ to the question, ‘’Is it all right—desirable—for men and women to make sizable gains in weight after attaining complete physical maturity at about twenty- five years of age? They have also made it possible to construct tables showing the range of desirable weights for men and women of various height and body build, irrespective of age, after reaching or passing their twenty-fifth birthday. These tables are intended for a guide for judging correctness of weight rather than as a standard for which all individual must conform.
Although the classification of slight, medium, and heavy body build are used in this tables, it must be remembered that there are many graduations in body built, or physique. The classification into which an individual falls will depend upon the characteristics that are predominant.

These tables are based on numerous medico-actuarial studies of hundreds of thousands of insured men and women. Weight in pounds according to frame (as ordinarily dressed)
FEET   INCHES                 SMALL FRAME                   MEDIUM FRAME     LARGE FRAME
5             2                              116-125                                    124-133                                131-142
5             3                              119-128                                    127-136                                133-144
5             4                              122-132                                    130-142                                137-149
5             5                              126-136                                    134-144                                141-153
5             6                              129-139                                    137-147                                145-157
5             7                              133-143                                    141-151                                149-162
5             8                              136-147                                   145-156                                153-166
5             9                              140-151                                   149-160                                157-170
5             10                           144-155                                    153-164                                161-175
5             11                           148-159                                     157-168                                165-180
6             0                              152-164                                   161-173                                169-185
6              1                            157-169                                     166-178                                174-190
6             2                             163-175                                    171-184                                179-196
6             3                             168-180                                     176-189                                184-202
Weights for men in the age group eighteen to twenty-five can be estimated by subtracting one pound for each year under twenty-five from the limits at each height. Examples:
18          5             2                  109-118                            117-126                                124-135
              5            10                 137-148                            146-157                                154-168
19          5             2                 110-119                             118-127                                125-136
              5           10                  138-149                             147-158                                155-169

FEET    INCHES       SMALL FRAME              MEDIUM FRAME              LARGE FRAME
4                11               104-111                                110-118                                117-127
5                0                 105-113                                112-120                                119-129
5                1                 107-115                                114-122                                121-131
5                2                 110-118                                117-125                                124-135
5                3                  113-121                                120-128                                127-138
5                4                  116-125                                124-132                                131-142
5                5                  119-128                                127-135                                133-145
5                6                 123-132                                130-140                                138-150
5                7                126-136                                134-144                                142-154
5                8                 129-139                                137-147                                145-158
5                9                133-143                                141-151                                149-162
5               10               136-147                                145-155                                152-166
5              11                 139-150                                148-158                                155-169
Weight for women in the age group eighteen to twenty-five can be estimated by subtracting one pound for each year under Twenty-five from the limits at each height. Examples:
AGE  FEET    INCHES            SMALL FRAME           MEDIUM FRAME              LARGE FRAME
18           4           11                           97-104                            103-111                                110-120
               5            6                           116-125                           123-133                                131-143
19           4           11                           98-105                             104-112                                111-121
               5              6                         117-126                            124-134                                132-144
For further enquiries on gaining total control of your weight and how to reduce your overweight to any desired size, go to There you will get all you need concerning weight loss, overweight, normal weight, healthy eating and control.        

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