The body is equipped with a great many automatic checks and
balances for preserving healthy conditions in its internal environment and for
safeguarding its vital processes. Is there any safe regulating machinery for
stopping the storage of fat when the depots are comfortably full? It would seem
that regulation of the deposition of fat would be an important task, since both
the reduction of fat reserves below the danger mark and the accumulation of fat
to the extent of making the body ‘’a bloated bondholder’’ are detrimental to
The regulation of body weight by automatic control over the
amount of fat deposited in the fat depots would mean the application of a
simple mathematical formula. Food intake (in terms of calories) must exactly
equal energy output (in terms of calories) to maintain body weight at a
constant level. To gain weight, food intake must exceed energy output. To loss
eight, food intake must be less than energy output so that the body will use,
or burn, its excess fat to make up the difference between food and energy
The assumption that the body does have an automatic
weight-regulating mechanism is based on the fact that a great many people,
especially those of slender and medium build, maintain practically the same
weight throughout adult life. Although medico-actuarial tables show that the
average man or woman has a tendency to gain weight year after year, it has been
pointed out that these average increase were arrived at by measurements
obtained from a mixed population including some individuals who do not change
their weight at all and others who gain in weight at a faster rate than the
average. Another bit of evidence is the fact that the frankly obese, who seem
to put on weight at every turn and twist of life’s journey, do reach a limit,
that is, appoint at which their weight remains static.
The nature of this weight- regulating machine is obscure.
Both heredity and the nervous and endocrine systems undoubtedly influence its
operation. It is a well-established fact that stoutness and leanness are
hereditary variations of body build.
And endocrine or nervous-system disturbances, or both,
whether inherited or acquired during life, have been found in many cases of
generalised obesity and of grotesque distribution of body fat.
For further enquiries
on gaining total control of your weight and how to reduce your overweight to
any desired size, go to www.orderbestsupplementdiet.com. There you will get all you need
concerning weight loss, overweight, normal weight, healthy eating and control
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