Saturday, 20 July 2013


A person’s weight is basically determined by his or heredity. But extremes of weight and patterns of growth are mainly controlled by the body’s endocrine system, or ductless gland, particularly the pituitary and thyroid glands. Defects of the endocrine system may cause dwarfism, giantism, or other deformities of the physique. Diet, exercise, and disease also influence weight.
In the United States, most new born infants weigh six to nine pounds, with boys averaging about a pound more than girls. Weight is generally doubled during the first five months after birth and tripled at the end of the first five year. Between two and six the child gains relatively more height than weight. Between six and ten this pattern is reversed. The greatest weight gain in boys usually occurs between 111/2 and 141/2. During these periods an adolescent may gain as much as 25 pounds in a single year. Normal growth ends at about 18.
Changes in weight after 18 are due mainly to environment. The average man again begins to put on weight in his 20’s. This increase may continue into the 50’s, but usually levels off in the 40’s. The weight of women remains fairly constant until the mid-30. Women then gradually gain weight until the mid-50.
Adults who are 15 to 20 pounds under the average weight for their age and height have the greatest life expectancy. Life expectancy decreases as weight either increases from this desired figure, with overweight being more serious. Among Teenagers, however, Slight overweight gives a greater life expectancy. The diseases most closely related to overweight in adults are diabetes, diseases of the digestive organs, and heart diseases.
The endocrine system not only controls weight, but also influences personality, or temperament. Attempts to relate body build and temperature have been made since ancient times. The most successful approach was made in the 1940’s by a group of psychologists under William H. Sheldon. They defined three kinds, or components, of body build. The average person has varying amounts of each component, although one component may be more pronounced than the others. Certain personality traits were found to be associated with the extremes of each component. The components and traits are:
Endomorph: Prominence of the abdomen, fat and deeper tissues of the body. The endomorph, a person whose physique is composed of more endomorph than either of the other two components, usually has slow reactions, stable emotions, and a desire for physical comfort.
Mesomorph: Prominence of muscles, bones and connective tissues. The mesomorph is aggressive and energetic, and seeks physical adventure.
Ectomorph: Nerves, sense organs, and brain are highly developed; while the body is light and fragile. The ectomorph has very fast reactions, mental intensity, and a desire for privacy.

For Further Enquiries on Healthy Eating, Weight Loss, and Diseases and Control; Check

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